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    马上申请 访问Ursuline 找一个项目 请求的信息

    本科 项目

    In Ursuline's undergraduate programs, you can expect academic rigor in exceptional programs that prepare you for professional success and are taught by dedicated faculty who will know your name and help you find the power of your voice.

    Ursuline college small class meeting on steps

    While preparing you for your career of choice, Ursuline equips you for maximum success within that career through an education that:

    • 促进教学, 编程, 研究, and action that recognizes and advances women and their contributions
    • Provides many opportunities for women to experience and excel in leadership roles
    • Prepares you to recognize and address specific challenges women face in careers and society
    • Equips you to overcome specific challenges women face in the workplace and society
    • Offers a culture where women's needs, concerns, and preferences are prioritized
    • Creates an environment that women find physically, socially, and emotionally comfortable

    Ursuline presents unique learning opportunities for men as well, all of which make them more capable coworkers (and community members). As a male undergraduate student, you will:

    • Gain deep insight into women's 视角
    • Develop skills of empathy and collaboration
    • Have the experience of being a minority

    Channel Dreams into Results

    Ursuline will connect you to respected programs, real-world experiences, and forward-thinking worldviews that will transform your life and accelerate your professional success.



    You'll be taught and mentored by faculty who are leaders in their fields. Their connections become your connections for professional experience.


    First year to career support

    Stretch the boundaries of your dreams and explore careers that may not have made your short list. 入职第一年 micro-internships start in your first semester on campus. And that's just the beginning!
